Reykjavík Poetics #16: A Tribute to Palestine

Reykjavik Poetics invites to a special event: a tribute to Palestine. It is our intention to gather together in the spirit of love and friendship to listen to sounds and words of an endangered culture that must not be forgotten nor silenced. May these birds of music and poetry find a shelter in our hearts.

Languages: Arabic, English, Icelandic

Juan Camilo
Mazen Maarouf | website

Music performers:
Thabit Lakh
Ríma Naser


Juan Camilo
Mazen Maarouf
Svanlaug Jóhannsdóttir
Kristín Eiriksdóttir
Aðalsteinn Ásberg Sigurðsson
Anton Helgi Jónsson
Einar Steinn Valgarðsson

We're grateful to the support of the Reykjavík UNESCO City of Literature office.

Images courtesy of Francesca Cricelli and Martyna Daniel.

Event produced by Francesca Cricelli and Christopher Marcatili.


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